Powys Local Development Plan: Public Consultation

Powys Local Development Plan: Public Consultation

Powys Local Development Plan (2011-2026) Schedule of Further Focussed Changes to the Deposit Draft LDP:

The changes proposed include identification of very extensive ‘Local Search Areas’ for wind and solar development right across the county across some of our most beautiful landscapes. This is contrary to the Welsh Government’s Technical Advice Note 8 (TAN8) whereby large scale energy infrastructure is allowed only within Strategic Search Areas. Welsh Government guidance on the preparation of LDPs does not support introduction of such radical new policies at this late stage of the LDP development and consultation process.

Public consultation on proposed changes to the Powys Deposit LDP runs from Monday 10th October until November 21st.

19th October Update: We have now uploaded our briefing note on the radical proposed LDP renewable energy policies. We hope this will prove useful to those who wish to object.

See Current Issues>Powys Local Development Plan for details of this important and urgent issue, grounds for objection, and how to object.

Ponds, Rivers and Poultry Seminar

Ponds, Rivers and Poultry Seminar

CPRW Brecon & Radnor Branch seminar ‘Ponds, Rivers and Poultry’, Saturday 29 October 2016, Llanigon near Hay on Wye

The Brecon & Radnor CPRW branch committee were delighted to welcome 100 or so delegates to this important event, including representatives of CPRE in Herefordshire, the Woodland Trust, Cargill Meats Europe, and Herefordshire Council, Powys Ramblers and other local organisations, as well as concerned members of the public.

We had a very successful day, with excellent speakers and presentations, and came away with good understanding of the key issues involved.

A report of our Ponds, Rivers and Poultry seminar can be found here.

Glasbury Business Wins Prestigious Architect Award

Glasbury Business Wins Prestigious Architect Award

Glasbury Business Wins Prestigious Architect Award

The Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales (CPRW) is delighted to announce that the 2016 Award for Architecture has been presented to Wye Valley Canoes for their exciting and dramatic conversion of the old chapel in Glasbury. The presentation took place on Wednesday 14th September 2016 at the River Café in Glasbury.

The Brecon & Radnor Branch of CPRW which gives the Award chose the chapel conversion for the exciting and sensitive conversion to what is now a 5 star bunk house and operating centre for the Canoe business. Peter Seaman, chair of the B&R branch said “our judging panel was very impressed how the client, Jane Hughes and the architect Sam Organ have retained the character, space and light of the old chapel and have at the same time now provided high class facilities which will benefit the local economy. The panel was also impressed by the use of green energy wood pellet to provide heat to the building, as well as rain water harvesting to flush the loos “. Wye Valley Canoes business owner Jane Hughes said “We are thrilled to receive the Award which endorses the work of our architect and local builder Steve Greenow. We are now promoting mid-week breaks for corporate events and are working with local businesses to provide a range of activities from bootcamp and spa treatments to flash mob singing lessons and yoga!”.

The Award for Architecture is an annual award given in memory of local conservation architect Louis Hurley.

Jane Hughes, owner of Wye Valley Canoes, receiving the Award from CPRW Brecon & Radnor Chairman Peter Seaman
Jane Hughes, owner of Wye Valley Canoes, receiving the Award from CPRW Brecon & Radnor Chairman Peter Seaman

CPRW Brecon & Radnor also presented a second ‘Highly Commended’ award for the conversion of the Minister’s horse stable at Penyrheol chapel in the foothills of the Black Mountains near Velindre. The stable is now a community centre with the vision and fundraising coming from Janet Mathews, chapel secretary and the other members of the chapel congregation. Peter Seaman said “The panel was so impressed by the community effort of Janet, Christine Outhwaite, Rosemary Vaughan and others: it has kept alive a beautiful spot for worship and community activities”.

Janet Mathews, secretary of Penyrheol Chapel, receiving the certificate of commendation from CPRW Chairman Peter Seaman
Janet Mathews, secretary of Penyrheol Chapel, receiving the certificate of commendation from CPRW Chairman Peter Seaman


Ponds, Rivers and Poultry

Ponds, Rivers and Poultry

Our next event is entitled Ponds, Rivers and Poultry.

This is an an open meeting to discuss the impact of intensive poultry production in Powys on our freshwater ecosystems. This will be of interest to many including fishermen, naturalists, poultry farmers and others.

We have a number of guest speakers coming along. And refreshments and a buffet lunch are available!

The date for your diary?

Saturday 29th October 10.00 am to 3.30 pm at Llanigon Village Hall, near Hay on Wye.

Full details, including postcode and map, on our News and Events page. An updated flyer for the event may be downloaded from here.

Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to the new website of the Brecon & Radnor Branch of CPRW – The Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales.

It is still under construction but in the meantime do please explore our work and our website using the links above…